ancestral healing therapy

Ancestral Healing Sessions By Dr. Ash

Dr. Ash provides one-on-one sessions for those who want to liberate themselves from family traditions and emotional suffering that may affect them throughout their life. As a result of tracing the root of these problems, clients achieve inner liberation and that breakthrough they are seeking to gain emotional freedom. Thanks to Dr. Ash’s advice, which is rather inspiring, people learn how to gain power over themselves and their lives, change unhealthy relationships, and find meaning in life again. Such thought-provoking sessions have helped the clients to release some core things that weigh them down hence the path to happiness is opened. Dr. Ash’s approach suggests an alternative for people to find a way out of their suffering and lead a fulfilling life.

What is Ancestral Clearing?

Ancestral Clearing (AC) is an ancient practice of peacemaking between relationships that utilizes the means of forgiveness – no matter if it is of family, friendship, or communal origin. The majority of peacemaking can be performed silently with some exceptions.Holding grudges registers as a negative feeling in the mind and body, and leaves a vestige (i.e. emotional trace) that often tells a story of the person’s past and thus causing them to feel stuck in the past. This trapped energy can be physically felt and requires connecting to it to be able to release it so we can move forward with our lives to be able to achieve our future goals and dreams whether they are relational or career-oriented. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says “to teach our bodies in the now to feel like it’s in the future.” Releasing these trapped emotions helps us embody our desired futures. 

Did you know emotional or physical hurts both register in the body and the brain can’t tell the difference? All our emotions are felt physically, and all our physical pains are felt emotionally. You cannot separate the two, just like you cannot separate the bodymind according to the scientific literature and its developments on trauma and epigenetics. Viewing the two as separate is what got us in trouble to begin with as a collective, given that high rates of disease and addiction are increasing (e.g. at least 70% of U.S. adults are on at least one prescription medication; addiction rates increased by 30% during the pandemic according to the CDC). 

Ancestral Clearing may facilitate the assistance with addiction and trauma recovery, physical chronic pain, mental, emotional, relational and financial problems, and can be used as a supplement but not as a replacement to certain treatments for particular medical conditions. Therefore, AC can help remove some of these burdens that are felt residually in the body. 


Ancestral Prayers

Ancestral prayers are either religious or paranormal prayers that are chanted with the purpose of communing with ancestors and meeting their requirements. They include requesting a healing or pardon or a blessing of one’s forebears and searching for solutions to matters that could be causing suffering in the present time. It’s done for the purpose of affecting an individual or a family in regard to patterns inherited from ancestors or some kind of psychological load.

When it comes to ancestral clearing, the way that ancestral prayers function is that they establish a link and rapport with the said lineage. It assists the people to unload the passed on emotional or psychological problems, provide a healing effect, and create a sense of finality. Through such prayers then one would be able to free the negative karmas of the ancestors and bring in positive vibrations for the present day generations and the forthcoming ones. It also practices as a method of seeking harmony and reconciliation in family conflicts with a desire to grow and shift not only the family line but also the person itself.

Ancestral clearing is based on the theory of working with inherited feelings, thoughts, and energy enclosed within one’s family line. The concept here is that, one can inherit thrown up traumas, fears or limitations of either parent that would then influence one’s life and health today. By performing certain ancestral prayers, people communicate with their forefathers asking for pardon, deliverance of health and freedom of the curses associated with the family ancestry. These prayers may be used as a form of spiritual way of freeing one from the chain of negative negative energy cycles and as a result one can be said to be bestowed with positive energies.

Ancestral prayers contribute to the process of healing a family’s generational trauma, bringing a shift within the person at physical, mental and spiritual level. Thus, skinnying attention to one’s ancestry prayers also helps let go of commitment, guilt, anger, or fear that may be causing stress or illness in the present.

The relationship of the present with the diseases is regarded as stemming from the notion of emotional patterning that can manifest itself physically. Depending on the accumulation of these emotional leftovers, people may be released from the constant stress, depression or anxiety which can lead to autoimmune diseases, chronic pain or other diseases which have stress as a fundamental cause. Therefore, stress management therapy through prayers is inherited and can hence recommend a blend of healing that involves the mind and body.

Ancestral Clearing For Thyroid

It is hypothesized that ancestral clearing may be beneficial for individuals with thyroid disorders, as the energy imprints of ancestors with thyroid issues could be passed down through generations. The thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism, energy levels, and overall hormonal balance, can be affected by both physical and emotional stress. Ancestral clearing focuses on healing intergenerational wounds, thoughts, or emotions that may disrupt the body’s energy and contribute to thyroid problems. This healing technique is being explored as a supportive approach for thyroid health across various practices in the USA.


Family ancestral healing usually starts with analyzing roots and finding out what kind of emotions, or even simple trauma, the families might have transmitted to their heirs. Healers employ methods such as guided visualization, meditation as well as invocation of ancestral prayers to deal with such infused problems. It can be argued that, through recognizing and treating the trauma of one’s forebears, people can start letting go of these issues for themselves. It includes self-analysis and use of prayer or some kind of religious or magical method towards seeking resolution and recovery.


When it comes to thyroid, inheriting issues may be the reason stress, which is the major factor in thyroid complications, may run in the family. Hormonal changes which may be arising from unresolved family issues and stress lead to inflammatory responses and therefore inflammation related conditions such as thyroid disease. Thus, with such clearing of the ancestral patterns, one may develop lower stress rates and better emotional conditions that can certainly aid the body to find healing on its own.


Ancestral clearing can assist a person to eliminate thyroid problems since it always fosters a better internal climate. When the stress response is triggered by emotional and energetic discharges, function of the thyroid gland and metabolism can recover concurrently with the patient’s well-being. Therefore, through working with the source of stress and imbalance, ancestral clearing can be seen as an addition to more conventional approaches of thyroid disorders’ diagnosis and treatment.

Ancestral Clearing For Higher Heart (Thymus)

Thymus-related problems may benefit from ancestral clearing because it helps cleanse the clients’ energies and emotions tied to their thymus gland. The thymus, which is situated in the chest, is still important to the body’s immune system especially when one is young. It produces and molds T-cells essential in the body’s ability to fight diseases. If negative biographical patterns – trauma, for example – are there, then they may lead to chronic stress, immunosuppressive states, persistence, changes in the thymus and other immunological functions.


Ancestral clearing is the process of analyzing the phenomenon of passing down of emotional and psychological disorders inherited from the ancestors. This usually involves trying to find out the family issues and the issues that may have not been addressed in the past, which may be a reason for a person’s current state of health. It would not be surprising to find that practitioners employ structured exercises like meditations and visualizations. To reach out and work through generations of ancestry woes with the aim of liberating oneself from the grievance of complicated family trees.


In thymus related complaints, relation and association with the ancestral patterns may assist in lowering down the emotional and psychological strain for the affected persons that causes detriment to the immune function. Stress and conflicts and other issues in one’s family may cause a lowering of the immune system, which can lead to autoimmune diseases or other illnesses relating to the thymus gland. People can free themselves from ancestors’ loads, which lowers their stress and provides the organism with better balance, thus helping the immune system.


Most importantly, ancestral clearing aids in addressing health issues related to the thymus by creating and maintaining a balanced internal environment. By treating and correcting emotional and energetic imbalances, this approach can enhance the body’s stress response, thereby improving immune function and the overall health of the thymus gland. Ancestral clearing can be used alongside conventional medical therapies, offering a complementary approach to managing and rehabilitating diseases associated with the thymus. This technique is being explored as an adjunct therapy across various practices in the USA.

Ancestral Clearing For Abundance

Ancestral clearing can be helpful especially for people who have problems focusing on abundance both in terms of money and opportunities. At times, such perceptions related to abundance may be passed on genetically, depending on the family that one comes from, or other social factors. Such endowment may manifest in the form of blocks or limitations on wealth and prosperity attraction and or retention. Ancestral healing is used to help understand and release such subconscious problems for a better and wealthier attitude towards life.


The method of ancestral clearing would be to begin with examining the family background and any toxic behaviors towards abundance that might be inherited. This process may involve assessing potential patterns or injury concerning money or lack of it across generations. It is through guided meditations, visualization, and ancestral ceremonies that practitioners deal with the phenomena called generational sins. Through engaging in the ancestral lineage, it becomes easy to drop old programming around prosperity and freedom around money.


Ancestral clearing can be of aid to people struggling with abundance issues through shifting unwanted beliefs and emotional programming that hampers one’s prosperity or happiness. If one is able to solve inherited dilemmas, people are able to change the tensed frame of mind to a positive frame of mind. It has been found that this change in attitude fosters a favorable predisposition towards objects that are perceived as prosperous and resources which in return enhances small scale financial feasibility.


Ancestral clearing enables people to deal with their abundance challenges by focusing on the core line that is given through generations. That is, the eradication of such deep-rooted problems has taken its toll and the individuals empowered thus, embraced the opportunity of attaining the goals. This form of thinking aligns well with the many tangible and efficient approaches to gross and self development in every aspect.

Ancestral Clearing For Global Warming

Even though ancestral clearing could appear rather unconventional in terms of combating global warming, it is helpful in changing people’s mentalities that cause environmental problems. Most of the problems associated with global warming are the result of well-entrenched attitudes and practices of consumption and exploitation of resources and careless attitude to the environment which have been developed over generations. Ancestral clearing is meant to help with such cultural and historical patterns which ultimately have an impact on the psychological and emotional realm concerning the environment.


Ancestral clearing is the exploration and study of the passed-down perceptions, approaches and behaviors to the environmental management and protection that might have been instilled in people. This often involves finding out different family or cultural practices which have led to pollution of the environment or otherwise negative impacts on the environment. Another type of spiritual practice employed by practitioners includes meditation, and creating visions, and performing ceremonies to align with these problems that ancestors had set to face in the present day in order to change the conciseness, remolding people’s relationship and respect towards earth.


To those who are sensitive about the issue of global warming, ancestral clearing is beneficial in that it tackles the feeling and psychological barriers that sustain destructive practice in the environment. In this way people are healed from the inherited patterns and beliefs and are able to come to a better understanding of how to impact the earth sustainably. This process gradually changes the perception of people, and inspires them to become more attentive to the problem of preserving nature and having a proper attitude towards the environment.


Ancestral clearing becomes helpful to eliminate the difficulties that come along with global warming through creating awareness among the people about being environmentally sensitive. Once these assumed inheritance and negative beliefs about life have been addressed by an individual or a community and eliminated, maybe there will be enhanced positive attitude and ready willingness to pursue practices that embrace an environmentally sustainable future. The given problem solves the existing approaches to the fight against global warming and helps to create a balanced attitude toward nature.

Ancestral Clearing For Skin Issues

The practice of ancestral clearing can help the individuals who have various skin issues because it takes into account the energy aspect as well that might be the root cause of those diseases. Most of the skin conditions like acne, eczema, or psoriasis are worsened by stress, unresolved emotional issues or family patterns. Ancestral clearing aims at eradicating such emotional and psychological effects that may have a bearing on one’s skin and may in fact originate from one’s ancestry.

It is a process of digging into the genealogy to ascertain any predispositions in the form of behavioral patterns, which have a negative impact on the health of the skin. The assessment commonly encompasses identifying and acknowledging the complicated family characteristics and past experiences that may lead to chronic stress or emotional disorders. Through concepts of guided meditation, visualization and performing certain rites, the practitioners are able to, in a sense, speak to and deal with these issues that originated with ancestors and which are associated with the skin conditions, in efforts to ‘release’ the given emotional entrapment and change the energy associated with chronic pain management treatment.

Skin disease, a topic that concerns most patients, can be solved with the emphasis on the elimination of ancestral patterns, which create additional mental stress. Such negative factors as the increased level of stress and stay unhealed family issues can affect endocrine and immune systems, therefore, cause or exacerbate the skin difficulties. Thus, people clear those hereditary issues and, as a result, have fewer physical and nervous issues, less skin problems, and nearly sound physiological reactions.