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All cancellations must be done within 24 hours to get a full refund. If you do not find that either an ancestral clearing or hypnotherapy helped you, we will gladly refund your money. 


We are not medical doctors and would like to express the following disclaimer: 

DISCLAIMER: The entire contents of this website provided by Ash Zareian and Sue Zareian, Ancestral Ghost, LLC, and/or ancestralghost.com are intended solely for educational purposes. It is important to note that this information is not meant to diagnose or prescribe medical or psychological conditions. Furthermore, it does not claim to prevent, treat, mitigate, or cure any such conditions. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for any diagnosis, prescribed medical treatments, or therapies. Ancestral Ghost does not attempt to provide diagnosis, care, treatment, or rehabilitation for individuals, nor does the information apply medical or mental health principles for diagnosing, treating, operating, or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or other physical condition. It is crucial to maintain a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or any other qualified healthcare professional, as the information provided on this website is not intended to replace that relationship. Any techniques addressed by Ancestral Ghost within this website are solely for educational purposes.

1) What is Ancestral Clearing? 

Ancestral Clearing (AC) is an ancient practice of peacemaking between relationships that utilizes the means of forgiveness – no matter if it is of family, friendship, or communal origin. The majority of peacemaking can be performed silently with some exceptions.

Holding grudges registers as a negative feeling in the mind and body, and leaves a vestige (i.e. emotional trace) that often tells a story of the person’s past and thus causing them to feel stuck in the past. This trapped energy can be physically felt and requires connecting to it to be able to release it so we can move forward with our lives to be able to achieve our future goals and dreams whether they are relational or career-oriented. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says “to teach our bodies in the now to feel like it’s in the future.” Releasing these trapped emotions helps us embody our desired futures. 

Did you know emotional or physical hurts both register in the body and the brain can’t tell the difference? All our emotions are felt physically, and all our physical pains are felt emotionally. You cannot separate the two, just like you cannot separate the bodymind according to the scientific literature and its developments on trauma and epigenetics. Viewing the two as separate is what got us in trouble to begin with as a collective, given that high rates of disease and addiction are increasing (e.g. at least 70% of U.S. adults are on at least one prescription medication; addiction rates increased by 30% during the pandemic according to the CDC). 

Ancestral Clearing may facilitate the assistance with addictions, physical chronic pain, mental, emotional, relational and financial problems, and can be used as a supplement but not as a replacement to certain treatments for particular medical conditions. Therefore, AC can help remove some of these burdens that are felt residually in the body. 


  • Well-being
  • Addiction
  • Chronic Pain
  • Relationships
  • Finances
  • Goals/Career
  • Inner child work

2) What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy, also known as hypnosis, can induce a deep state of relaxation that has the potential to aid in the healing process from trauma. Traumatic events can encompass a wide range of experiences, from interpersonal abuse to natural disasters or the sudden loss of a loved one. Difficulties in processing these traumatic events can lead to various mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, and recurring distressing memories.

Hypnotherapy involves a trained and certified professional guiding individuals into a state of focused concentration and relaxation using verbal cues, repetition, and imagery. In this state, individuals may become more receptive to guided suggestions that can facilitate positive changes in their well-being. 

Research studies have indicated that hypnotherapy can be helpful in treating trauma symptoms and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For example, a meta-analysis of six studies showed a significant reduction in PTSD symptoms, regardless of the nature of the trauma, among participants who received hypnotherapy. Additionally, hypnotherapy has been found to alleviate insomnia and improve sleep in individuals with combat-related PTSD. There is also evidence suggesting that hypnotherapy can reduce symptoms of depression when combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in a treatment approach known as cognitive hypnotherapy. 

Hypnotherapy explores different states of consciousness that are relevant to our daily lives. While the conscious mind involves readily accessible thoughts and feelings, hypnotherapy delves into deeper levels of the mind, accessing hidden thoughts, beliefs, and past learnings that are not often consciously acknowledged. PTSD symptoms typically fall into categories such as re-experiencing, avoidance, negative shifts in thoughts and mood, and physical symptoms. 

Hypnotherapy can be a viable treatment option, particularly when used in conjunction with other therapies like psychotherapy, group therapy, or medication. Hypnotherapy techniques for trauma may involve relaxation exercises to reduce mental and physical stress, identification of triggers that may have gone unnoticed, reframing of traumatic memories to provide a new perspective, and the establishment of positive emotional states through the use of physical stimuli as anchors. 

Hypnotherapy is suitable for individuals experiencing various conditions, including PTSD, phobias, addiction, chronic pain, depression, eating disorders, grief and loss, sleep disorders, and behavioral issues. It can be used as a standalone treatment or in combination with other approaches. It is important to note that while hypnotherapy can be beneficial, it is not as extensively researched and understood as some other treatment methods. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is among the recommended therapies for trauma by the American Psychological Association, with specific variations like trauma-focused CBT, cognitive processing therapy (CPT), cognitive therapy, and prolonged exposure (PE) demonstrating efficacy in treating trauma.

Hypnotherapy has shown promise in helping individuals cope with trauma symptoms, although it is important to consider it as part of a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to individual needs. Consulting with a mental health professional can provide guidance on the most suitable approach for addressing trauma-related concerns.


  • Well-being
  • Addiction
  • Chronic Pain
  • Relationships
  • Finances
  • Goals/Career
  • Inner child work